
The next best thing to an in-person cuppa.

Workshops bring like-minded creatives together.

I host workshops sporadically, throughout the year, often in response to challenges or explorations my clients are experiencing.

They are always relaxed, nurturing, not at all salesy, and designed to get you to think about your work, life, and next steps.

In the past, we’ve enjoyed workshops about scaling an online shop, perimenopause and creativity, and Instragram Spring Cleans.

Sign up to receive The Garden Shed email to be the first to hear about upcoming events. Subscribers will always get first dibs on tickets.

What’s coming up soon

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We need the right tools to grow our businesses, and my emails help creatives like you find what works. 
Feedback on my emails is lovely: “I have enjoyed you so much. Your knowledge and approach have been essential to my progress as an artist.”
Oh and this is nice, too: "What a lovely newsletter Jo!
It's a breath of fresh air to read something that's not just about how to get more followers and earn more money! A really inspiring read."
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